The SWS Conversational Skills Group (CSG) is an opportunity for Auslan students to come together and practice their signing, consolidate their learning, extend their skills, and garner feedback. I recognise that many Auslan learners have limited opportunity to engage with local Deaf communities and would like some additional practice in a semi-structured environment. This is also a great opportunity for those who have perhaps had an extended break between formal learning and would like to brush up on their skills and get their Auslan brain and hands working again before embarking further in their Auslan learning journey, or for those who would like to pause their formal learning and consolidate that which they have previously covered before diving in again.
The CSG is open to Auslan students of all levels as well as the greater community.
CSG classes will be loosely structured with opportunity for you to decide together what you’d like the focus of each class to be, i.e. general conversation, sentence or paragraph translation, receptive skills, fingerspelling and numbers, various grammatical features, vocab revision, storytelling skills, etc. I will always have prompts available (e.g. story cards, this or that questions, conversational topics, basic games – snakes and ladders vocab/horse race/quizmania/connect four/etc, etc) which we can utilise, but I will be led each week by the general consensus… and of course it will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and garner feedback from me.
Whether you purchase a single session, multi-sessions, or the whole 9 weeks, you are more than welcome to switch between the Monday and Tuesday evening classes depending on your schedule and availability. If you are unable to attend one week, you are welcome to do 2 classes on another week. It is designed for maximum flexibility, and you can use your sessions whenever you like.